Bookseeker Literary Agency

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Joshua Gamon’s new graphic miniseries in production!

London-based Markosia Enterprises has picked up Joshua Gamon’s six-issue miniseries Evermore. The story is set during the Spanish Flu epidemic of the 1918-1920. After a young girl goes missing, her father enters a cursed book of fairy tales to find her. Within, creatures of folklore and figures from classic literature co-exist, uneasily, but the sudden appearance of the human child upsets that delicate balance into abrupt chaos. Now, her father must navigate through the mire of monstrous beings and vengeful queens to bring her home.

Joshua’s team is currently illustrating the scripts for a 3rd quarter release. This is exciting news, and we look forward to seeing the finished product. Meanwhile, publishers, don’t forget that Joshua’s excellent novel The Brothers Thanatos is still up for grabs!

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