Bookseeker Literary Agency

Introducing authors and publishers.


The Bookseeker Agency is an independent literary agency in Scotland, with a mission to introduce authors and publishers to each other. We have a particular interest in Scotland but do look further. You’re invited to subscribe to or follow the updates on this site (see right-hand sidebar) to keep in touch with what we’re doing.

Although we are not able to help every enquirer we actively encourage creative writing in general. Every enquiry is looked at, and more often than not, even if we can’t offer to represent the enquirer, we can offer some good advice for taking their project further. We like to keep enquirers’ details on file just in case we spot an unexpected opening.

Look through our other pages and our sidebar to find out more.




































































Please note that the appearance of random advertisements on this web site is a feature of the platform, and should not be taken as an endorsement by this agency.